Lancôme Poême
Back in the old days, Poeme was anecdotally loud – Luca Turin dubbed it to be one of the perfumes that should be banned in restaurants (together with Amarige and Spellbound).
Back in the old days, Poeme was anecdotally loud – Luca Turin dubbed it to be one of the perfumes that should be banned in restaurants (together with Amarige and Spellbound).
Ô de Lancôme is the “Shields up” panic button that I need to press when summer heat gets too oppressive: and out of the previously mentioned lineup, the most technologically advanced version of the summer – heat- deflector shield is this perfume: the olfactory equivalent of drinking a frosted glass of iced lemonade in front of the AC, blasting at the coolest setting possible.
O putere stranie. Cel mai oriental dintre toate parfumurile orientale, cel mai fascinant dintre toate formulele. Magie Noire este Orientul la o pulverizare distanta, cu misterele şi farmecele sale, care captivează şi vrăjeşte simţurile.